Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dicing Solution

Today, the Wafer size/diamater has increased from 6" to 8" or 12", while die size is reduced. This translate to more cuts per wafer which can pose greater challenge to the dicing process. More cuts would produce more saw dust which could stick to the wafer surface, bonding pads or within the cut regions. The saw dust would be difficult to remove in subsequent cleaning processes once in contact with wafer and those trapped in deep cut lines or trenches are virtually impossible to remove. These trapped saw particles can caused corrosion to the Al/Cu bonding pads. The corroded pads would faced poor bonding condition, poor reliability or even failure of the device.

How do we solve our problem?

Ketecca,USA and HyPlus Technologies, S'pore had introduced dicing surfactant solutions that can minimize such corrossion and the dust particle from adhering to die surface.

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